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All surveying licensees should have their current registration of other repercussions, I urge you to consider the damage
certificate proudly displayed on their wall right above done not only to your personal reputation if the word gets
their license to practice land surveying. The registration out (and it probably will), but to the reputation of the
certificate proves that: A) you paid your triennial fee to The profession as a whole. If you intend to practice, DON’T
University of the State of New York Education Department LET YOUR REGISTRATION EXPIRE.
(“State Ed”), B) you provided State Ed with your current
address, and C) you certified that you have completed The same goes for corporate or business entities such as
Professional Corporations (PC’s), Design Professional
your 24 hours’ worth of continuing education during your Corporations (DPC’s), Professional Limited Liability
previous three year registration period. With your current Companies (PLLC’s). If you work for or own a business
address on file, it makes it easier for the State Ed’s Office of entity other than a sole proprietorship, then not only must
Professional Discipline (OPD) to hunt you down should you as an individual be registered, your business entity
they decide to investigate a malpractice claim against you.
must also obtain a “Certificate of Authorization to Provide
So, what if you don’t register, or forget to register, or your Land Surveying Services” (COA) from State Ed.
registration renewal got lost in the mail? If your three year Here is how to check online to make sure your registration
registration has expired, and you continue to practice and business COA are up to date. For your individual
any facet of land surveying, you are in violation of Title 8 registration, go to
Regulations of Commissioner of Education, Section 59.8 , chose the profession (Land Surveyor), and type in your
Registration for Professional Practices (8 NYCRR 59.8). If name. Make sure that the date shown in the “Registered
your registration lapses and you continue to practice, you are through last day of” line is a future date. You can find your
also in violation of Section 6502(3) of the State Education COA on this same page. Scroll to the bottom where you
Law which reads in part: No licensee resuming practice after will see “Search for Professional Business Entity, by Name”.
a lapse of registration shall be permitted to practice without Select the profession and enter your business name.
actual possession of the registration certificate.
Scott Allen, Chair
What are the penalties for these violations? For a first time NYSAPLS Ethical Practices Committee
violation, I suspect the legal penalties may be relatively
minor (but I would not like to test that theory). In terms