Page 18 - Lapwing Edition 9 Product Guide
P. 18

CUTTING TOOLS                                                                                                                                                  CUTTING TOOLS

          Δ Delta Range                                                                                   DT10 – DELTA MULTI-HARD / STEEL
                                                                                                                                     1 - 9
                                                                                                         CODE      SIZE mm  BORE mm  £15.00  £12.50


          The Delta range offers exceptional value for any price conscious                               DT10-125/22  125    22    £19.50  £16.50

          buyer who wants something better.                                                              DT10-230/22  230    22    £31.00  £26.50
                                                                                                         DT10-300/20  300    20    £37.50  £30.00

          BLADE ANALYSIS: DELTA DT10                                          Semi-transparent           DT10-350/20  350    20    £52.50  £45.00

           Universal/Hard Materials Blade                                           cutting              The DT10 is a fast cutting universal blade with 10mm
                                                                                                         segment. ‘Cuts it all’ guaranteed including occasional
                                                                                                         metal. Blade features turbo rim with active cooled centre
          10mm Fast

          cutting segment
                                                                                                                                                 DT15 – DELTA CONCRETE PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                  CODE      SIZE mm  BORE mm  1 - 9  10+
                                                                                                                                                  DT15-125/22  125   22    £19.50  £16.50
                                                                                                                                                  DT15-230/22  230   22    £31.00  £26.50
                                                                                                                                                  DT15-300/20  300   20    £37.50  £30.00
                                                                                                                                                 The DT15 is a 15mm segment blade for all concrete
                                                                                                                                                 products providing extra length of life
     Diamond Tools  Δ                DT10          DT15          DT20         DT40                                                                                                           Diamond Tools
                                                                                                          DT20 – DELTA GENERAL PURPOSE

                                                                                                         CODE      SIZE mm  BORE mm  1 - 9  10+
                                                                                                         DT20-115/22  115    22    £15.00  £12.50

                    METAL                                                                                DT20-125/22  125    22    £19.50  £16.50

                   Exposed Steel,                                                                        DT20-230/22  230    22    £31.00  £26.50
              RSJ & Sheet Metal (thin).                                                                  DT20-300/20  300    20    £37.50  £30.00

                        VERY HARD                                                                        The DT20 is a 10mm segment general purpose blade for all
              Granite, Engineering Bricks,                                                               general purpose work

              Natural Stone & Clay Products.

                Re-inforced Concrete

               & Concrete Products.

               GENERAL PURPOSE

                 Concrete Products and

              General Building Materials.                                                                                                                      DT40 – DELTA ASPHALT

                  ABRASIVE                                                                                                                        CODE      SIZE mm  BORE mm  1 - 9  10+
             Abrasive Concrete Products,

                   Roof Tiles, Dual Purpose                                                                                                       DT40-300/20  300   20    £37.50  £30.00

                Concrete & Asphalt.                                                                                                               DT40-350/25  350   25    £52.50  £45.00

                                                                                                                                                 The DT40 is a cost effective asphalt cutting diamond

          Asphalt & Extremely Abrasive Products.                                                                                                 blade with underguard protection

                Lignacite Blocks.

                             Occasional Use                Recommended                 Highly Recommended

    18                                   ORDER ONLINE AT WWW.LAPWINGUK.COM                               CALL 01386 551090 FOR NEXT DAY DELIVERY                                         19
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