Page 2 - Lapwing Edition 9 Product Guide
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Welcome                                                                                                                                         INDEX

                                                                                                                                                       Cutting Tools           07 - 65
       Welcome to Edition 9 of the Lapwing                                                                                                             & Equipment
       Product Guide
                                                                                                                                                       Contractor’s Tools     66 - 162
       As we adjust to the effects of the Covid 19                                                                                                     & Equipment
       ‘New Normal’ it is re-assuring that we are
       able to launch our Edition 9 Catalogue,                                                                                                         Site Consumables      163 - 251
       which is bigger & better than ever!                                                                                                             & Supplies

       460 pages of the products that you need,                                                                                                        Highways Tools        252 - 294
       ready for when & where you need them,                                                                                                           & Equipment
       backed up by the Renowned Lapwing
       Service.                                                                                                                                        Fixings &             295 - 304
       2020 has been a major challenge and
       the effects will be felt long Into the                                                                                                          Protective Clothing   305 - 331
       future. We begin 2021 with a global                                                                                                             & Hi-Viz
       supply chain under pressure, rising
       commodity & freight costs and                                                                                                                   Personal Protective   332 - 367
       a new relationship with the EU.                                                                                                                 Equipment

       Let Lapwing be your constant support                                                                                                            Site Safety &         368 - 453
       in a world of change.                                                                                                                           Welfare Supplies

       Better ways to work™                                                                                                                            Full Product Index    454 - 458

       Our vision is to provide a concise range
       of site supplies to the construction
       industry, coupled with specialist &
       innovative products that set us apart.

    2                                    ORDER ONLINE AT WWW.LAPWINGUK.COM                               CALL 01386 551090 FOR NEXT DAY DELIVERY                                           3
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