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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
October 2017 Volume 41 Issue 1
Message from President Brown
reetings Sorors,
We have gotten off to a wonderful start! Committees are busy planning and exe-
cuting programs and events to achieve the mission of our great SISTERHOOD!
The Emergency Response Team has provided us with valuable resource information
on emergency planning and readiness. The RED ENVELOPE concept will definitely
help us stay organized and ready in the event of an emergency. We look forward to more opportu- Inside The
nities to use our internal process to educate our community on emergency readiness.
Eight Decades of 2
The committee reports presented during the first chapter meeting has put us on notice that we will Sisterhood and
have a very busy year. With that said, we need all members to be “all in” and actively participate Success
and support the work of our committees. We are eagerly anticipating the Crimson and Cream Affair, Courtesies 3
Founders Day, Membership Services and Social activities from our Internal and Operational Com-
mittees. The Leading By Example ad hoc committee presented an overview of its framework and are My Soror, My 3
preparing to launch the inaugural class very soon. Sister…Together
Heart 2 Heart
Our Five Point Thrust Program Committees are working equally hard to serve our communities. Hats
off to the Political Awareness and Involvement Committee for the events held thus far. The com- Tips for Fall 4
mittee has been busy with the first ever MAC Speaks, Voter Restoration Clinics and Second Chance Fitness
Resource Fair. The committee is focused on three primary areas: Voter Restoration, Voter Registra- Birthdays 4
tion and Voter Engagement. These three areas are key to eradicating voter disenfranchisement.
Let’s help the committee get the word out and get voters to the poll!
Upcoming 5
The Signature Programs recently celebrated the fifth installment of the C.LA.S.S. Leadership Confer- Events
ence. The event was truly one of celebration and included participation by youth of other Greek
letter organizations. Over 100 Montgomery youth received lessons in leadership during this day
long event.
The Economic Development, International Awareness and Involvement and Physical and Mental
Health Committees are all rolling out their plans for the sororal year as well. Stay informed with the
activities of all committees by reading the weekly MAC Memos and monthly newsletter. If you have Special points of
not already done so, subscribe to receive text blast reminder messages. interest:
Eight Decades of Sister-
Finally sorors, I will continue to encourage all members to support the programs, projects and activi- hood and Success
ties of the chapter. We have very talented members in our chapter and we all have so much to
offer. It is because of the great work that we do in the community that we viewed as a well- Fall Fitness Tips
respected pillar. Let us keep up the great work and continue to have an impact!
Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,
Cassandra E. Brown
31 Chapter President