Page 4 - NewsletterOctober (3)_Neat
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way, so we’ve decided to make    team_id=2230547&pg=team&fr_id=84
                                              a difference by walking and      760
                                              raising money in our local            MAC’s monetary goal is $3,000
                                              American Cancer Society Mak-     (the same as last year’s goal).
                                              ing Strides Against Breast Can-  Thanking you in advance for your
                                              cer event.                       support of this event.
                                                   The donations our team
                                              raise will enable investment in
          Making Strides of Montgomery        groundbreaking breast cancer     Contact:
                                              research as well as provide free
          Date:  Saturday, October 14,        information and services for      Soror Cathey H. Hendricks at
          2017                                those diagnosed with the dis- or (334)
          Event Time:   Registration          ease. More than 3.1 million      676-9827,    or
          7:30a.m., Walk 9:30a.m.             breast cancer survivors will
                                              celebrate another birthday this   Soror Jessyca M. Darrington at
          Walk Length: 5K (3.1 miles)
                                              year.                   or (334)657-
          Location:     Montgomery Train                                       8862.
          Shed, 210 Water Street
                                              Because of your Passion, no

                                              one walks alone.                 We will not collect at chapter
          Making Strides Against Breast       To join the Chapter's Team
          Cancer is a celebration of survi-   and/or make donations,           meeting however, envelopes will
                                                                               be available for mail in if you are
          vorship- an occasion to express     please go to DST-MAC             not comfortable donating on line.
          hope and our shared determina-                                       Make checks payable to “the
          tion to make this breast cancer’s   TeamURL:http://
          last century.                   American Cancer Society.”
               Almost everyone has been
          touched by breast cancer in some    MSABCCY17MS?

                           Happy Birthday to you,

                           Happy Birthday to you!

           1 - Celena Simpson Perine           9 - Barbara Marshall-Coleman -
           2 - Almeter Thompson                12 - Bernice Price
           3 - Gwen Anderson                   12 -  Ladoris Tuck
           3 - Cyrenthia Crawford              14 -Tracy Parks
           4 - Jasmine Washington              15 - Barbara Allen
           4 - Mary Bradford                   16 -  Plummie Ware
           4 - Tammy Thomas                    17  - Keina Houser
           5 - Delanda Boswell                 18 -  Valencia Staten
           5 - LaMecha James                   20 - Rosie Edwards
           6 - Edwina Jackson                  25 - Patricia Singleton
           6  - Juanita Owes                   27 -  Patricia Kimbrough
           6 - Tanisha Perry                   27 -  Zella Wadsworth
           7 - Charlotte Carr                  28  - Nicole Henderson

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