Page 14 - NewsletterNovember
P. 14

Upcoming Events

                                                                  Please mark your calendars and make plans to at-
                                                                  tend the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter Found-
                                                                  ers Day Celebration on January 13, 2018.  The Re-
                                                                  dedication and luncheon will be held at the Renais-
                                                                  sance Montgomery Hotel and Spa located at 201
                                                                  Tallapoosa Street.   The cost of the luncheon is
                                                                  $50.00. PayPal option will be available on October
                                                                  9, 2017 and ticket distribution will begin October

                                                                  21, 2017 at the chapter meeting.  Sorors are re-
                                                                  quested to wear black attire, conservative pearls
                                                                  and violets.

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