Page 267 - PUC 2017 Master Catalog
P. 267


                                                                              APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS (IN.)
                  PREVIOUS       NEW               AMPERE
                   NUMBER       NUMBER       NO.  (INDOORS)*  MILS   L    W X T  LENGTH  DIA./ SLOT DIM.  E
                    -        FXB1-12-Q1      1       95     24,000  .75  .63 x .09  12.00  .27         -
                    -        FXB21-12-Q1     2      169     48,000  .75  .63 x .13  12.00  .27         -
                    -        FXB31-12-Q-2TC14  3    228     72,000  1.25  .63 x .16  12.00  .27       .63
                    -        FXB41-12-Q-2TC14  4    293     96,000  1.25  .63 x .19  12.00  .27       .63
                    -        FXB2-12-Q1      1      140     48,000  .75  .75 x .13  12.00  .27         -
                    -        FXB22-12-Q-2TC14  2    249     96,000  1.25  .75 x .17  12.00  .27       .63
                    -        FXB32-12-Q-2TC14  3    336    144,000  1.25  .75 x .23  12.00  .27       .63
                    -        FXB42-12-Q-2TC14  4    431    192,000  1.25  .75 x .28   12.00  .27      .63
                 FXBA-12-Q   FXB3-12-Q       1      190     76,800  2.50  1.00 x .16  12.00  .44      1.25
                 FXB2A-12-Q  FXB23-12-Q      2      338    153,600  2.50  1.00 x .22  12.00  .44      1.25
                 FXB3A-12-Q  FXB33-12-Q      3      456    230,400  2.50  1.13 x .25  12.00  .44      1.25
                 FXB4A-12-Q  FXB43-12-Q      4      585    307,200  2.50  1.13 x .31  12.00  .44      1.25
                 FXBA-12-SQ  FXB3-12-SQ      1      190     76,800  3.00  1.00 x .16  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB2A-12-SQ  FXB23-12-SQ    2      338    153,600  3.00  1.00 x .22  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB3A-12-SQ  FXB33-12-SQ    3      456    230,400  3.00  1.13 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB4A-12-SQ  FXB43-12-SQ    4      585    307,200  3.00  1.13 x .31  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXBB-12-SQ  FXB4-12-SQ      1      300    134,400  3.00  1.00 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB2B-12-SQ  FXB24-12-SQ    2      534    268,800  3.00  1.50 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB3B-12-SQ  FXB34-12-SQ    3      720    403,200  3.00  1.50 x .38  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB4B-12-SQ  FXB44-12-SQ    4      924    537,600  3.00  1.50 x .50  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXBC-12-SQ  FXB5-12-SQ      1      335    168,000  3.00  1.50 x .19  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB2C-12-SQ  FXB25-12-SQ    2      596    336,000  3.00  1.50 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB3C-12-SQ  FXB35-12-SQ    3      804    504,000  3.00  1.50 x .34  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75    FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID
                 FXB4C-12-SQ  FXB45-12-SQ    4      1032   672,000  3.00  1.50 x .50  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXBD-12-SQ  FXB6-12-SQ      1      360    201,600  3.00  1.38 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB2D-12-SQ  FXB26-12-SQ    2      641    403,200  3.00  1.50 x .41  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB3D-12-SQ  FXB36-12-SQ    3      864    604,800  3.00  1.50 x .47  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB4D-12-SQ  FXB46-12-SQ    4      1109   806,400  3.00  1.50 x .56  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB7-12-SQ      1      400    230,400  3.00  1.50 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB27-12-SQ     2      712    460,800  3.00  1.50 x .41  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB37-12-SQ     3      960    691,200  3.00  1.50 x .47  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB47-12-SQ     4      1232   921,600  3.00  1.50 x .56  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXBE-12-SQ  FXB8-12-SQ      1      430    302,400  3.00  1.50 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB2E-12-SQ  FXB28-12-SQ    2      765    604,800  3.00  1.50 x .50  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB3E-12-SQ  FXB38-12-SQ    3      1032   907,200  3.00  1.50 x .69  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                 FXB4E-12-SQ  FXB48-12-SQ    4      1324   1,209,600  3.00  1.50 x .88  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB9-12-SQ      1      500    307,200  3.00  1.50 x .25  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB29-12-SQ     2      890    605,400  3.00  1.50 x .50  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB39-12-SQ     3      1200   908,100  3.00  1.50 x .69  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75
                    -        FXB49-12-SQ     4      1540   1,210,800  3.00  1.50 x .88  12.00  .56 x .69  1.50 to 1.75

                  *Ampere ratings are a suggested guide only. Actual values used for a given application will depend on permissible temperature rise, permissible voltage drop, number of cables together,
                    and other conditions of service.

               Ordering Information:

               • “-S” suffix denotes slotted holes which are suitable for 1/2 in. or 3/8 in. mounting hardware on 1-1/2” or 1-3/4 in. hole centers
               • For NEMA drilling, substitute “-N” for “-S” in catalog number suffix
               • For lengths other than 12 in., change catalog number accordingly (i.e. if an 18 in. length is desired, change -12 to -18)
               • Remove “-Q” from catalog number suffix for silver plated ferrules

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