Page 295 - Julien-CHR-In situ 2020
P. 295

                ouTsIde dIsPLAY                  PAVemenT boArd

         résistants aux intempéries. cadre en pin recouvert d’'un vernis de protection.   dELUXE
         Joints renforcés. composants en acier inoxydable.
         Robust pine wood, coated with layers of quality weather-protection lacquer. Reinforced   cadre en bois dur vernis. Joints renforcés. composants en acier inoxydable.
         joints, completed with industrial stainless steel components.  Lampe vendue séparement.
                                                                Robust wood, coated with layers of quality weather-protection lacquer. Reinforced
             L x lg x P mm  noir / black  Teck / Teak  U.V.  Prix HT  joints, completed with industrial stainless steel components. Lamp sold separatly.
            1295 x 715 x 70  012102  012100  1                     L x lg x P mm  Code         U.V.     Prix HT
            890 x 565 x 65  012103  012101   1                    1430 x 755 x 70  012105       1

                AFFICHAGE InTÉRIEUR             murAL
                InsIde dIsPLAY                  WALL

                                                                              ARdoIsE mURALE BLAnCHE
                                                                              bois finition laqué blanc. un feutre craie
                                                                              noir, un feutre craie or et un kit de montage
                                                                              WhITe WALL sLATe
                                                                              Wood with lacquered finish. One black, one
                                                                              gold chalkmarkers and one assembly kit
                                                                                 L x lg x Ep. mm  Code  U.V.  Prix HT
                                                                                600  x 400 x 10  012198  1

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