Page 27 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 27
INDULGENCES (double your gift!)
The term ‘indulgences’ refers to specific prayers and actions, permeated with a
spirit of penance, that are a channel of God’s healing grace. Once a person has
repented of his sins and received forgiveness from Christ through the Sacrament
of Reconciliation, indulgences help to further the healing process that is needed
for himself and for the people that he has hurt by his sins.
Two-fold Consequence of Sin
In order to come to grips with the Church’s teaching on indulgences, one must
first understand the Catholic teaching on the two-fold consequence/punishment
of sin: namely, the eternal and the temporal. The eternal consequence of sin
refers to hell, the permanent separation from God by persisting in a state of
unrepentant mortal sin. Thus, the eternal aspect refers to whether or not we
are forgiven.