Page 510 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 510

 relatives (1): basic infonnation 494
Who(m) and which can also be the objects of verbs in relative clauses. Whom is unusual in an infonnal style (see 623).
Do you remember the people who we met in Italy? (Who is the object of met.)
I forget most ofthe films which I see. (Which is the object of see.) 4 that =who/which
We often use that instead of wlw or which, especially in an informal style. I like people that smile a lot.
This is the key that opens the garage.
Do YOlt remember the people that we met in Italy?
Iforget mostofthefilms thatIsee.
S all that, only... that etc
That is especially common after quantifiers like all, every(thing), some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), none, little, few, much, only, and after superlatives.
Is this all that's left? (More natural than ... all which is leftrJ
Have YOLl got anything that belongs to me? (More natural than ... anything
which . ..)
The only thing that matters is to find our way home. I hope the little that I've done has been usefuL
It's the best film that's ever been made about madness. Note that what (see 497) cannot be used in these cases.
All that you say is certainly true. (NOT iUl what)l6ft Stiy . ..)
6 leaving out object pronouns: the people we met
Object pronouns can often be left out.
Do you remember the people we met in Italy?
Iforget mostofthefilmsI see. AliIwantisyourhappiness. This is not possible in all relative clauses: see 495.
7 one subject or object is enough
As subjects or objects, who(m), which and that replace words like she, him or it. one subject or object in a relative clause is enough. Compare:
- He's got a new girlfriend. She works in a garage.
He's got a new girlfriend who works in a garage. (NOT • • • whB she WBrks in ( j garage.)
This is Mr Rogers. You met him last year.
This is Mr Rogers, whom you met last year. (NOT ••• ttthBtll)16ft mel .'tim IMt
Here's an article. It might interest YOll.
Here's an article which might interest you. (NOT ••• whieh it might inteFeSt
I've found the car keys. You were looking for them.
I've foulld the car keys that you were looking for. (NOT ..• #tat)l6ft were
I6BieingffJl" them.)
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