Page 615 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 615
589 this and that
1 people and things
This/that!these!those can be used as determiners with nouns that refer to either people or things.
this child that house
But when they are used as pronouns without nouns, this/that/these/those normally only refer to things
This costs more than that. (BUT NOT This says he's tired.)
Put those down - they're dirty. (BUT NOT 'Fell fflDSe t6 gB awtty.) However, this etc can be used as pronouns when we say who people are. Hello. This is Elisabeth. Is that Ruth? 1'hat looks li1ce Mrs Wal1cer.
Who's that? These are the Smiths. Note also Those who . .. (see paragraph 6 below).
For a similar use of it to refer to people. see 428.9.
2 the difference
We use this/these for people and things which are close to the speaker. This is very nice - can I have some more?
Get this cat off my shoulder.
I don't know what I'm doing in this country. (NOT ••• in thttt etJltll",..) Do you li1ce these ear-rings? Bob gave them to me.
We use that!those for people and things which are more distant from the speaker, or not present.
1'hat smells nice - is it for lunch?
Get that cat off the piano.
All the time I was in that country I hated it.
I li1ce those ear-rings. Where did you get them?
3 time
This!these can refer to situations and events which are going on or just about to start.
I li1ce this music. What is it?
Listen to this. You'll like it. (NOT Listen t6 that . ..) Watch this. This is a police message.
That/those can refer to situations and events which have just finished, or which are more distant in the past.
1'hat was nice. What was it? (NOT This was ,dee . ..)
Did you see that? Who said that?
Have you ever heard from that Scottish boy you used to go out with?
(NOT ••• fflis Se6ttish btl}'}'B1t r:taetl t6 gB Bitt wiffl.) That can show that something has corne to an end.
. . . and that's how it happened.
Anything elser-No, that's all, thanks. (in a shop) OK 1'hat's it. I'm leaving. It was nice knowing you.
4 acceptance and rejection
We sometimes use this! these to show acceptance or interest, and that! those to
show dislike or rejection. Compare:
this and that 589
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