Page 616 - Practical English Usage 3ed - Michael Swan, Oxford
P. 616

 thislthat and it: things that have just been mentioned 590
Now tell me about this new boyfriend ofYOllrs. I don't like that new boyfriend ofyours.
5 on the telephone
On the telephone, British people use this to identify themselves, and that to ask. about the hearer's identity.
Hello. This is Elisabeth. Is that Ruth?
Americans can also use this to ask. about the hearer's identity.
Who is this?
6 that, those meaning 'the one(s)'
In a formal style, that and those can be used with a following description to mean 'the one(s)'. Those who . .. means 'the people who .. .'
A dog's intelligence is much greater than that ofa cat. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
7 this and that meaning '50'
In an informal style, this and that are often used with adjectives and adverbs in the same way as so.
I didn't realise it was going to be this hot.
Ifyour boyfriend's that clever, why isn't he rich?
In standard English, only so is used before a following clause.
It was so cold that I couldn't feel my fingers. (NOT ..'t was thttt reid thtlt ...) Not all that can be used to mean 'not very'.
How was the play?- Not all that good.
8 other uses
Note the special use of this (with no demonstrative meaning) in conversational story- telling.
There was this travelling salesman, you see. And he wanted ... Thatlthose can suggest that an experience is familiar to everybody.
I can't stand that perfume ofhers.
This use is common in advertisements.
When you get that empty feeling - break for a biscuit.
Earn more money during those long winter evenings. Telephone ...
The differences between this and that are simllar to the differences between here and there (see 245). come and go (see 134) and bring and take (see 112).
For this one. that one etc. see 395.
For these and those with singular kind of, sort of, see 55l. For that which. see 498.19.
590 this/that and it:
things that have just been mentioned
1 referring back
This, that and it can all be used to refer back. to things or situations that have just been talked or written about. It does not give any special emphasis.
So she decided to paint her house pink. It upset the neighbours a bit.
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