Page 318 - Sociology and You
P. 318

288 Unit 3 Social Inequality
Figure 9.3 Focus on Theoretical Perspectives
Prejudice and Discrimination. This table illustrates how a particular theoretical perspective views a cen- tral sociological concept. Switch the concepts around and illustrate how each theoretical perspective would view a different concept. For example, discuss some functions and dysfunctions of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
 Theoretical Perspective
Conflict Theory
Competition for power
African Americans accuse Latinos of using their political clout to win advantages for themselves.
  Functionalism Ethnocentrism White colonists used negative sterotypes as a justification for taking Native American land.
 Symbolic Self-fulfilling prophecy Members of a minority fail because of the low Interactionism expectations they have for their own success.
  self-fulfilling prophecy
an expectation that leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become reality
Symbolic interactionism underlies the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy—an expectation that leads to behavior that then causes the ex- pectation to become a reality. For example, if a student is continually en- couraged and told that she is capable of succeeding at a task, she will likely act as if she can succeed. If, however, she is discouraged from trying and told she will probably fail, that same student will likely act in a manner that will cause her to fail. Similarly, if members of any minority are continually treated as if they are less intelligent or less competent than the majority, they may eventually accept this limitation. This acceptance, in turn, may lead them to place less emphasis on education as a way of succeeding. Given this nega- tive interaction, and the lack of opportunity to develop their abilities, mem- bers of minorities may become locked in low-level jobs.
Section 3 Assessment
1. Can you hold a prejudice about a group without discriminating against that group? Why or why not?
2. Why do you think most stereotypes are negative? Can you think of any positive stereotypes?
3. Why does conflict exist between African Americans and Latinos?
Critical Thinking
4. EvaluatingInformation DiscussspecificwaysinwhichAfrican Americans and Latinos have attempted to resolve their role conflicts.

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