Page 319 - Sociology and You
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Chapter 9 Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity 289
a Web of Hate
White supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups have discovered the Internet as a channel to spread hatred of Jews, African Americans, homosexuals, and fundamentalist Christians,
among others (Sandberg, 1999). From one hate site in 1995, the Anti- Defamation League estimates that there are now thousands of web sites advocating racism, anti-Semitism, and violence. Aryan Nation identifies Jews as the natural enemy of whites; White Pride Network of- fers a racist joke center; Posse Comitatus defends alleged abortion- clinic bomber Eric Robert Rudolph; World Church of the Creator is violently anti-Christian.
Organized racists use high technology to deliver their message to a mass audience. While members of hate groups used to be recognized by their white hoods or neo-Nazi swastikas, they can now just as easily be wearing business suits instead of brown shirts. The Southern Poverty Law Center is especially concerned about the repackaging of hate- based ideologies to make them appear more respectable to mainstream America. To reach the young, hate web sites offer such child-friendly attractions as crossword puzzles, jokes, cartoons, coloring books, con- tests, games, and interactive comic strips.
Not all hate-group activity comes from white supremacists who tar- get African Americans. The Southern Poverty Law Center also tracks the activities of Black Separatists and documents several recent hate crimes committed by blacks against whites. In addition, the continued immigration of Asians and Central and South Americans is drawing the angry attention of hate groups of all types. More information on hate group activities can be found at the Southern Poverty Law Center web site,
Analyzing the Trends
When the economy is not performing well, membership in hate groups rises, and membership declines when the economy is doing
well. Relate this fluctuating membership pattern to scape- goating and conflict theory.
How is propaganda used by hate groups to deliver their message?
Young people today may grow up to be “Internet policemen.” This software company CEO designs and markets programs that prevent children from accessing web sites their parents think unsuitable.

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