Page 332 - Sociology and You
P. 332

Section 1: Minority, Race, and Ethnicity
Main Idea: Sociologists have specific definitions
particular to their field of study for minority, race, and ethnicity. Ethnic minorities have historically been subjected to prejudice and discrimination.
Section 2: Racial and Ethnic Relations
Main Idea: Patterns of racial and ethnic relations take two forms: assimilation and conflict. Patterns of assimilation include Anglo-conformity, melting pot, cultural pluralism, and accommodation. Conflict patterns include genocide, population transfer, and subjugation.
Section 3: Theories of Prejudice and
Main Idea: Prejudice involves attitudes, while discrimination is about behavior. Prejudice usually leads to discrimination. Conversely, in some in- stances, discrimination creates prejudiced atti- tudes through stereotyping. Each of the three major perspectives looks at different aspects of prejudice.
Section 4: Minority Groups in the
United States
Main Idea: Discrimination in the United States has caused some ethnic and racial groups to lag be- hind the white majority in jobs, income, and edu- cation. Progress is being made, but gains remain fragile. African
Reviewing Vocabulary
Complete each sentence, using each term once.
     American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, and white ethnics are the largest mi- nority groups in this country.
Self-Check Quiz
Visit the Sociology and You Web site at and click on Chapter 9—Self-Check Quizzes to prepare for the chapter test.
1. An expectation that leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become a reality is called .
2. is a group identified by cul- tural, religious, or national characteristics.
3. A set of ideas based on distortion, exaggera- tion, and oversimplification is called
4. is a group of people with
physical or cultural characteristics different
from the dominant group.
5. People living in poverty and either continu-
ously unemployed or underemployed are
known as   .
6. The denial of equal access based on law is
called   .
7. A criminal act that is motivated by prejudice is
called   .
8.   is a type of subjugation that
takes place outside the law.
9. People who share certain inherited physical
characteristics are known as . 10. are unfair practices that are
part of the structure of a society.
11. Treating people differently because of their
ethnicity, race, religion, or culture is called .
a. minority
b. stereotype c. hate crime d. self-fulfilling
prophecy e. race
f. institutionalized discrimination
g. ethnic minority h. underclass
i. subjugation
j. assimilation
k. de jure segregation l. de facto
segregation m. prejudice
n. discrimination
o. cultural pluralism p. racism
q. genocide
r. hidden

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