Page 369 - Sociology and You
P. 369

Section 1: Sex and Gender Identity
Main Idea: All societies expect people to behave in
certain ways based on their sex. Through socialization, members of a society acquire an awareness of them- selves as masculine or feminine.
Section 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Gender
Main Idea: The functionalist perspective focuses on the origins of gender differences. Conflict theory looks at the reasons gender differences continue to exist. Symbolic interactionism attempts to explain the ways in which gender is acquired.
Section 3: Gender Inequality
Main Idea: Although great progress has been made, women today are still subject to prejudice and discrim- ination. This imbalance of power is seen most clearly in the areas of economics, law, and politics.
Section 4: Ageism
Main Idea: The relatively low social standing of older people is based on ageism. Each of the theoretical per- spectives has a unique slant on ageism.
Section 5: Inequality In America’s Elderly
Main Idea: The poverty rate for America’s elderly population stands at around 10 percent. Members of racial and ethnic minorities are in the poorest ranks. The political process offers the major source of power for elderly Americans.
Reviewing Vocabulary
Complete each sentence using each term once.
             Older people exert political influence through their high voting rate and their support of spe- cial interest groups.
Self-Check Quiz
Visit the Sociology and You Web site at and click on Chapter 10—Self- Check Quizzes to prepare for the chapter test.
1. An organization that attempts to influence polit- ical decision making is called .
2. is the unequal distribution of scarce resources based on age.
3. The classification of people as male or female based on biological characteristics is called
4. is the concentration of one
gender in certain occupations.
5. is a set of beliefs, attitudes,
norms, and values used to justify sexual in-
6. The belief that behavioral differences are due to
inherited physical characteristics is called .
7. is a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values used to justify age-based prejudice and discrimination.
8. is an awareness of being mas- culine or feminine.
9. The social process of learning how to act as a boy or girl is called   .
Reviewing the Facts
1. According to the functionalist perspective, what was the main result of the division of labor?
a. gender identity b. sex
c. gender
socialization d. sexism
e. occupational sex segregation
f. ageism
g. biological
h. age stratification i. interest group
  2. Which sociological perspective emphasizes the effects of parents, teachers, and peers on gen- der socialization?

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