Page 371 - Sociology and You
P. 371

  ing to one of the negative or positive criteria listed below. Feel free to make up your own categories if needed.
a. reinforces a female stereotype
b. uses sex appeal to sell a product
c. encourages a women to be beautiful
d. idealizes youthful appearance
e. reinforces gender roles of children
f. generally offensive, degrading, or insulting
g. shows a woman in a leadership role
h. shows a woman in a nontraditional role
i. shows a minority woman in a professional
When you have completed your “scrapbook,”
analyze the ads for negative and positive uses of gender marketing. Write a brief paragraph summarizing your findings.
2. Gender This activity is a thought problem and requires a great deal of imagination. What would your day be like if you awoke one morning and suddenly found that you had changed gender? As you go about your day, think of everything that would be different if you were a member of the opposite sex. Write down several things that stand out as you go through the day. For example, if you are on a sports team, would you likely be on that team if you changed gender? Would you be playing a different sport?
3. LifestylesfortheElderlyCreateaposteror other visual aid that depicts how life has changed for elderly people during the twentieth century. You may want to talk to grandparents or others about what life was like for older people in the past. How do you think longevity and health factors have changed lifestyle for older people?
4. Create a Skit Instead of a visual aid as sug- gested in the previous activity, interview an el- derly person and create a skit based upon his or her remarks. Some of the questions you may want to ask include
a. What do you consider to be the joys or rewards of aging?
b. What are some of the problems or
c. How were you affected by your retirement?
Was it a positive or negative experience? d. What is your view of teenagers today?
5. Observation Observe people of all ages in a variety of settings, such as restaurants, malls, and offices. Do their clothing and actions fit age-appropriate norms of our culture? What ex- ceptions do you note?
6. The Elderly and Advertising Analyze televi- sion commercials for the way older people are portrayed. How frequently are older people represented in advertising material? What types of products do they normally market? Is a pat- tern or stereotype being perpetuated by the television advertising community?
Technology Activity
1. The Center for the American Woman and Politics is a useful web site to find facts about women elected to public office in the United States. Go to its web site at http://www. Select “State by State Fact Sheets” and then click on your state in the map that appears.
a. How many women are currently serving in your state’s legislature?
b. Where does your state rank in comparison to other states?
c. When was a woman first elected to a statewide office or to the U.S. Congress?
d. Now click on “Facts Main Page” and select “Findings at a Glance” under the Publications heading. On page 4 of this document, find the three issues where gender differences in priorities were the greatest. What were they?
e. On page 7, were women more or less likely to conduct legislative business in the public view?
f. Based on your review of the “Findings at a Glance,” do you think women make effective elected officials?

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