Page 411 - Sociology and You
P. 411

Section 1: Family and Marriage Across
Main Idea: In all societies, the family has been the most important of all social institutions. It produces new generations, socializes the young, provides care and affection, regulates sexual behavior, transmits so- cial status, and provides economic support.
Section 2: Theoretical Perspectives and the
Main Idea: The family is the very core of human so- cial life. It is not surprising that each of the major per- spectives focuses on the family. Functionalism emphasizes the benefits of the family for society. The conflict perspective looks at the reasons males domi- nate in the family structure. Symbolic interactionism studies the way the family socializes children and pro- motes the development of self-concept.
Section 3: Family and Marriage in the United
Main Idea: Modern marriages are based primarily on love, but there are many reasons for marrying—and as many reasons for divorce. Although the American family provides social and emotional support, violence in this setting is not uncommon. Child abuse and spousal abuse are serious problems in too many American families.
Section 4: Changes in Marriage and Family
Main Idea: Many new patterns of marriage and family living have emerged in the United States. They include blended families, single-parent families, child-free fami- lies, cohabitation, same-sex domestic partners, and fami- lies with boomerang
Reviewing Vocabulary
Complete each sentence using each term once.
  a. monogamy g. b. polyandry h. c. polygyny i. d. exogamy
e. endogamy j. f. homogamy
patrilineal blended family
dual-employed marriage boomerang kids
         children. In spite of these new arrange- ments, the traditional nuclear family is not going to be replaced on any broad scale.
Self-Check Quiz
Visit the Sociology and You Web site at and click on Chapter 11—Self-
1. is a family formed with chil- dren from a previous marriage.
2. The marriage of one woman to two or more men at the same time is called
3. The marriage of one man to two or more
women at the same time is called .
4. are young adults who live with their parents.
5. A marriage in which both partners work for pay is called .
6. is the marriage within one’s own group as required by social norms.
7. The marriage of one man to one woman is called   .
8. The tendency to marry someone similar to oneself is called .
9. is the practice of marrying outside of one’s group.
10. is the arrangement in which descent is traced through the father.
Reviewing the Facts
1. Sociologists define three types of family struc- tures. List and describe those structures.
2. In addition to providing a warm and loving at- mosphere that fulfills social and emotional needs, what are the other vital functions of the family?
   Check Quizzes to prepare for the chapter test.

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