Page 413 - Sociology and You
P. 413

  2. Divorce The text listed several reasons why couples divorce. Working with a classmate, brainstorm several additional factors contribut- ing to divorce (for example, no-fault divorce laws in some states). Give at least one reason why each of these factors has caused an in- crease in divorce over time. After you have come up with a list of at least five factors, dis- cuss with your partner what would happen if the factors were eliminated (for example, if conditions allowing divorce were made stricter). Do you think these changes would improve so- ciety? Why or why not? Be prepared to present your findings to the class and to argue your position.
3. Research Project Divide a sheet of paper into three columns, labeled A, B, and C. In column A, write the number of children in your immedi- ate family. In column B, write the number of children in your father’s immediate family (in- clude siblings that are no longer living). In col- umn C, write the number of children in your mother’s immediate family. One student should collect all the papers and tabulate the results. Has the number of children in the families rep- resented in your class decreased since your par- ents’ generation? Prepare a graph of the similarities or differences.
4. TheSecondShiftToseewhetherthesecond- shift explanation applies to your family, conduct the following experiment over the course of
one week. Write down the number of hours you see your mother (or stepmother) doing housework each day. Then write down the number of hours your father (or stepfather) spends working in or around the house. In class, compile the numbers logged by all your classmates. Is the second-shift explanation valid for your class? (If you are living in a single-par- ent family, keep track of the number of hours of housework performed by that parent, but not by any children in the household.)
Technology Activity
1. Using your school or local library and the Internet, research family violence over the last 30 years—1970 to 1980; 1980 to 1990; 1990 to Present. Create a graph to show statistically the frequency of reported incidents of violence. In your own words, using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and terms learned in this chapter, write an essay that summarizes your graph. In the essay, consider reasons or changes in society that you believe influence the frequency of reported incidents of family vi- olence. Consider the impact, if any, of hotlines and Public Service Announcements regarding family violence. Determine whether the infor- mation that you have found on reported inci- dents is correct and complete. Support your decision with at least two reasons.

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