Page 626 - Sociology and You
P. 626

Unit 5 Social Change
What is resource mobilization theory? Resource mobilization theory focuses on the process through which members of a social movement secure and use the resources needed to advance their cause. Resources include human skills such as leadership, orga-
 resource mobilization theory
theory of social movements that focuses on the use of resources to achieve goals
  “One hundred and eighty- one years ago, our fore- fathers started a revolution that still goes on.
Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. president
a. the French Revolution
b. Zero Population Growth
c. the Branch Davidians
d. Women’s Christian Temperance Union
3. How is Smelser’s theory of social movements an example of the value- added process?
4. Briefly explain the resource mobilization theory of social movements.
Critical Thinking
5. SynthesizingInformation Ifyouwishedtomountasocial movement to change some U.S. policy (i.e., air pollution limits), which theory of social change would most likely guide your strategy? Explain
nizational ability, and labor power, as well as material goods such as money, prop- erty, and equipment (Cress and Snow, 1996; McCarthy and Wolfson, 1996).
The civil rights movement of the 1960s succeeded in part because of the commitment of African Americans and in part because people of other races contributed the money, en- ergy, and skills necessary to stage repeated protests. In contrast, the gay movement in the United States has experi- enced difficulty partly because of a relative shortage of money, foot soldiers, and af- fluent supporters.
Section 4 Assessment
Muslim worshippers donate money to aid the relief effort for Turkey, which was devastated by a tremendous earthquake in 1999. Relate this behavior to resource mobilization theory.
1. How would a sociologist define the term social movement?
2. Which of the following is an example of a reformative social movement?
 why you would select a particular theory and how it would guide your approach.

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