Page 85 - Sociology and You
P. 85

Chapter 2 Sociologists Doing Research
   Figure 2.9 A Spurious Correlation As you read on page 54, the correlation between juvenile delinquency and not attending church is a spurious correlation.
  Less church attendance
  More delinquency
  Increased age
Match terms a–i with the numbered statements below.
     Section 2 Assessment
 1. something that occurs in varying degrees
2. the variable in which a change or effect is observed
3. a change in one variable associated with a change in another variable
4. the idea that an event occurs as a result of several factors operating in combination
5. a factor that causes something to happen
a. causation
b. multiple causation
c. variable
d. quantitative variable e. qualitative variable
f. independent variable g. dependent variable h. correlation
i. spurious correlation
Less church attendance
6. the idea that the occurrence of one event leads to the occurrence of another event
7. a factor consisting of categories
8. when a relationship between two variables is actually the result of a
third variable
9. a variable measured in numerical units
Critical Thinking
10. Making Comparisons In your own words, explain the difference
between correlations and causation. Illustrate each with an example not found in the text.
More delinquency

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