Page 87 - Sociology and You
P. 87

Chapter 2 Sociologists Doing Research
    Map B—People Per Square Mile
Source: Lisa Thomas, Student Atlas, New York: DK Publishing, 1998, p. 39.
He also predicted that altruistic suicide was more likely to occur when social ties are too strong. The mass suicides of cult members is one example. Military personnel trained to lay down their lives for their countries (such as Japanese kamikaze pilots) is another illustration.
Durkheim also thought that anomic suicide increased when existing social ties were broken. For example, suicide rates spike during eco- nomic depressions. People suddenly without jobs are more prone to kill themselves. Suicide may also increase during periods of prosperity. People may loosen their social ties by taking new jobs, moving to new communities, or finding new mates.
Durkheim found strong support for his predictions. Suicide rates were higher among unmarried than married people and among military personnel than civilians. They were also higher among people involved in nationwide economic crises.
As a result of his study, Durkheim drew several important conclusions. First, social behavior can be explained by social rather than psychological factors. Second, suicide is affected by the closeness of social ties. Finally, society can be studied scientifically, and sociology is worthy of academic recognition (Ritzer, 1996).
Working with the Research
1. Emile Durkheim’s study of suicide suggested that one factor in the suicide rate is the degree to which the individual has group ties. One indication of social ties is population density. Based on Map B, where would you expect to find the highest suicide rates in the United States? Does Map A agree with your predictions?
2. Durkheim noted that “psychological explanations are insuffi- cient when analyzing social behavior.” In your own words, tell what this statement means.
3. Which perspective do you think Durkheim followed in his study of suicide: the functionalist, the conflict, or the symbolic inter- actionist? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Using what you have learned from Durkheim’s research, formu- late a hypothesis about mass suicide.
People per Square Mile
Above 1,300 260–1,299 130–259 26–129 Below 25

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