Page 3 - Bayswater Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 3

         Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care

         VIVID Festival

         of Light Cruise

                                                                    News from Cranbrook
         Bayswater Gardens invites you to experience a
         VIVID Festival of Light Cruise, on Sydney Harbour.         Care

         Sydney's multi award-winning festival of light, music and   By Nadia Panetta
         ideas presents another innovative and awe-inspiring creative
         program. VIVID Sydney's iconic outdoor "art-gallery"       Cranbrook at Home helps you live life to the
         illuminates the city with a mesmerising collection of light-art,   fullest in the comfort of your own home.
         installations and projections. VIVID Sydney engages lighting
         artists, designers and manufacturers from around Australia   The year is passing by very quickly as I settle
         and the world to illuminate, interpret and transform       into my second season at Cranbrook at Home. It
         Sydney's urban spaces through their creative vision.       has been lovely visiting our beautiful residences
                                                                    and meeting some of our wonderful residents,
         Bayswater Gardens is hosting an exciting VIVID Festival of   their families and our caring staff.
         Light Cruise! Cruise Sydney Harbour, where you will see
         more than 90 light installations and projections which will be   This autumn, Cranbrook at Home has been
         on display in the main precincts across Sydney.            involved in recruitment days at Bella Vista
                                                                    Gardens and Bayswater Gardens. I have met
         This is a fantastic and thrilling experience that is not to be   some lovely caring people in the process and I
         missed.                                                    look forward to continuing to be a part of our
                                                                    wider recruitment process. I am also looking
         Events such as this are optional for residents at an additional   forward to having the opportunity to meet staff
         cost, charged directly to the resident's account. Numbers are   and applicants at our other beautiful
         limited for each event. If the minimum number of attendees   residences.
         is not achieved an event may be cancelled. Family and
         friends are welcome, pending numbers.                      Work on our Home Care service offering
                                                                    continues. I am really looking forward to
                                                                    updating you in our Spring Newsletter to share
                                                                    the launch of our latest Cranbrook at Home
         Experience the excitement and entertainment at VIVID       service offering. Cranbrook at Home tailors
         Sydney this year!                                          services to suit individual needs. If you or
                                                                    anyone you know needs assistance at home,
                                                                    please contact me and I am happy to speak
                                                                    with you about our services.

                                                                    Contact Nadia Panetta on:

                                                                    Phone: 02 9458 9950

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