Page 5 - LG Newsletter Spring 2021_Final.pptx
P. 5



            Banquette                                                      What’s

           Is it Spring already?  I’d like to take this
           opportunity to acknowledge the
           dedication of the food services teams                            With Ashley, Group Executive Chef
           at each of our residences, who work        Lamp Banquette
           very hard to ensure we provide the         Ingredients                     Method
           best food and service possible.
           Congratulations to the food services       •1 litre chicken stock          1.   Heat a large pot with the oil.
           teams at Bella Vista Gardens and           • 500ml white wine              2.   Add the vegetables except
           Bayswater Gardens on receiving an ‘A’      •½ cup roux (or 2 Tbsp corn          the mushrooms.
           rating in their food safety audits in        flour mixed with ¼ cup cold   3.   Sweat for approx. 10
           June & July. Bayswater became the            water)                             minutes, try not to brown.
           first of our residences to undertake a     •2 Tbsp Vegetable oil           4.   Add the lamb, mushrooms &
           “Remote Audit”, which meant we had         •1 medium leek, washed,              herbs (except parsley) and
           to use Zoom so the auditor could             trimmed and chopped (use           salt & pepper
           inspect the kitchen without being on         green too)                    5.   Continue to cook for 10 –15
           site. It was a very different experience!   •2 sticks celery, chopped           minutes
                                                      •2 carrots, chopped             6.   Add the wine and bring to a
           I have had the pleasure to attend          •2 Onions, chopped                   simmer for 5 minutes
           some of the food focus meetings            •1 Tsp minced garlic            7.   Add the stock, bring to the
           recently. It is fantastic to see so many   •½ bunch rosemary, chopped           boil and transfer to a food
           of our residents involved in the             fine                               pan or casserole dish.
           planning of our menus by voicing their     •1 bunch Thyme, chopped fine    8.   Cover and bake at 165°C for
           preferences and suggesting dishes that     •1.5kg boneless shoulder Lamb,       50 minutes
           we can put on the menu for others to         cut into 1‐2cm dice           9.   Remove from the oven and
           try. 2021 has been the first time that     • 500g button mushrooms,             check the lamb is tender.
           all menus in our residences have been        halved or quartered if large  10.  Remove some liquid and mix
           changed at the same time, which has        • 300ml cream                        with the roux in a bowl to
           kept the kitchens very busy preparing      •1 tbsp wholegrain mustard or        ensure there are no lumps.
           new dishes and writing the recipes to        horseradish cream             11.  Add back to the lamb with
           create them the same each time.            •½ bunch flatleaf parsley,           the cream.
           I hope everyone enjoys all the new           roughly chopped               12.  Stir in the mustard and the
           dishes on our menus.                       •1 Tbsp Salt / ½ Tsp Ground          parsley
                                                        white pepper                  13.  The Lamb should be tender
                                                                                           and the sauce, velvety.
                                                                                      14.  Serve with pasta, rice, mash
                                                                                           or chunky chips!
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