Page 2 - Bayswater Gardens Newsletter Spring 2018
P. 2
From Linda
Hello Bayswater Residents, Families & Friends,
Ellen, Barbara and Mary at the Vivid Cruise in June
Please let me take the opportunity to introduce
myself, my name is Linda Wilson. I joined the
Bayswater Gardens team in June, and I am very
excited to get to know everyone.
We are currently looking for Volunteers to be part
of our "Food Focus" team. This team will comprise
of residents who will sit and meet with both
myself and our Executive Chef Anne every second
month to discuss menu choices. It is a great
opportunity to offer feedback on our Food Service.
If you are interested in being part of this team
please let me know.
A few other changes that have occurred recently: Resident Elaine, with her Puppies
• There has been a slight change with the in-
suite dining orders for breakfast. Now we are
delivering the cold portion of breakfast first
with your hot meal to follow 15 minutes later. Housekeeping
This is to enable you to enjoy your full
breakfast without your hot meal going cold.
• We have installed a new bench seat in the Laundry
main garden area overlooking the water, this All items of clothing need to be labelled. If you have any
seat is for all residents and families to enjoy.
missing items of clothing, let us know the item and we
If there is anything further that I can assist you will try to locate it. As we have large industrial washing
with, please do not hesitate to contact me via machines/dryers, delicate clothing such a woollen/silk
email: items are best taken home to be washed, or we can
arrange for these to be dry cleaned – pricing can be found or speak with in the Lifestyle Services Handbook.
me when you see me next!
My Thoughts
You are invited to complete a "My Thoughts" form for
compliments or concerns. These forms are available at
Reception and in the basement sign-in area.
Linda Wilson, Residential Services Manager We are in discussions with our cleaning team to arrange a
Spring clean as the warmer months approach. There may
be some minor disruptions due to this, however, we will
make sure to advise you prior to it happening.