Page 12 - Pieces of Victory - Add - FlipBuilder.pdf
P. 12

 them Jezebels, thieves, alcoholics, heathens, sluts, manipulators, home wreckers and liars. The vocabulary list is backed up by the Bible and I hear shouts of “Amen” from the robotic acolytes, all in agreement with this critical master. I have never heard the head of the church speaking to his congregation in this particular fashion. Like the contents of my father’s garbage truck, I have been dumped in for- eign territory. I feel like the hero of a spy novel; drugged and kidnapped. When fi- nally coming to I feel the weight of chains and realize I am a prisoner in another country without the decency of basic human rights.
The tape continues to play and I hear QC interrogating a young girl making her feel shameful, in the eyes of God, about her weight. I can hear her weeping. Horror strikes me like lightening in the middle of the night, startling me enough to make me jump out of bed unexpectedly. I expect to hear the loud beads of wa- ter tapping relentlessly against my window, alerting me to the serious disturbance of the elements... I wonder how many hours have passed by? I need to drown out this psychotic clergyman by thinking of something else. It amazes me that my par- ents said I was going to see a psychiatrist and instead, I’m in a cult-like dungeon of the deranged. If I don’t distract myself I, like them, will go off the deep end. I’ll think of Drake...

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