Page 27 - Dino 4 簡易電子書(習作)
P. 27

B. Read and Check

                     : Mom, where is my book? I can’t find it.

                     : Nick, your book is in the bag.

                     : Where’s the bag?

                     : It’s under the box.

                     : Where’s the box?

                     : It’s there, next to the chair.

                     : Oh, no! Where’s my kite? I can’t find it.

                     : Clean up your room!                                   *  clean up  整理

            1 Where are Nick and his mom? They’re                                              .

               a          in the bedroom                     b          in the kitchen

            2 Where is the box? It’s                                .

               a          in the bag                         b          next to the chair

            3 Which is Nick’s bedroom?

            a                                          b

                                                                              *  which  哪一個
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