Page 15 - Vision Builders 2022
P. 15

“Small group leaders are the Rock Stars and Gems of our church, as they help our leadership team know and understand our flock's state and provide the quality ministry that is needed.
    We are committed to RESET and continue to expand our Small Group Ministry because it is a divine assignment from the Lord that is modeled throughout the New Testament Church.
Jesus left the apostles with the commission to disciple others to become strong believers which could only be done in intimate settings. Our Small Group Ministry plays such a vital part in the development and care of people as they are growing in God.
Providing care for our precious
partners is far too expansive for
one person or even a handful
of people. However, with the
faithful men and women who
serve as Small Group leaders, we
can stay smaller as our church
family is ever increasing by caring
and looking out for one another
through them. From the beginning,
God has directed us to provide an intimate forum which produced an environment for people to come together for great fellowship while building relationships. Ultimately, this forum will lead to quality person-to-person discipleship. As we have experienced tremendous growth, Small Groups have been vitally important to our church.
This year, we are committed to RESET several elements of our Small Group Ministry to keep pace with the ever- changing world we live in while assisting in our overall Kingdom assignment and the effectiveness factor that brings excellence to all we do. Our present RESET focus in our Small Groups ensures we continue to impact lives through the ministry while sharpening each other as daily life takes place.
Our small group leaders have such a heart to fellowship, build new relationships, and
provide ongoing discipleship to the individuals who attend their groups. They truly are the Rock Stars and Gems of our church, as they help our leadership team know and understand our flock's state and provide the quality ministry that is needed. Becoming a Small Group Leader is one of the highest orders of
vision partnership in that you commit to serving in a way that directly affects the spiritual growth of the church.
We trust you will join us in RESETTING Small Group Ministry to the next level through your faithful participation. If you are not connected to a group, do it today.
 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17
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