Page 4 - Vision Builders 2022
P. 4

“We are entering a season of Resetting, Reigniting, and Renewing Commitments to God, Connection to Family and Pursuit of Purpose.
       Well children of God, it’s that time of year promise that, if we would obey, our church and its
when we take the opportunity to gather and seek the Lord for Divine Strategies as it pertains to accomplishing our
vision for the year. We have been faithful to follow the plan God gave us
years ago with the
partners would experience God’s best.
We have been so excited since the Lord spoke to
us about this being the year of RESET! As we enter this season of resetting, reigniting and renewing our commitment to God, connection to family and pursuit of purpose and destiny, believers are to also expect Divine Strategies that would lead to good success in their lives.
As we kept hearing this and began to search the scriptures, we saw the scriptural reinforcement of this prophetic utterance we had been receiving. The Bible says in Psalm 32:7-8, “Thou art my hiding place; thou
shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. I will
instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”
Since getting true understanding of what the Spirit of God is saying, expectations have been
heightened for our church and especially for

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