Page 13 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Introduction | Progress Report  13


               The period covered by this report, 2014-2016, was marked by several events relevant to
               the progress of activities developed at IPEN (Nuclear and Energy Research Institute).

               The Institutional Digital Repository, open access institutional equipment, was created
               with the objective of gathering, preserving, making available and giving greater
               visibility to the Scientific Production published by the Institute since its creation in
               1956. Access to the digital content of articles from periodicals, national and international
               events, books, chapters, theses and dissertations is available in the Repository.

               The Radiopharmacy Center and the Cobalt-60 Multipurpose Irradiator obtained the operating
               license within the new security and protection standards required by CNEN (National
               Nuclear Energy Commission). The permission was issued on December 2014, after thorough
               inspection and evaluation of the facilities. This license assures the institutional competence
               to produce radiopharmaceuticals without radiological risk, maintaining compliance with the
               characteristics of a radioactive installation, according to normative requirements of CNEN.

               A new internet portal for the institute was launched in 2015. It was created to
               allow greater visibility and to facilitate navigation and access to information.

               The Nuclear Technology Graduate Program of IPEN, in association with the
               University of São Paulo, achieved the mark of 2217 titles concluded: 1511
               masters and 706 doctorates and maintained the excellence mark (grade 6) in
               the Federal Government Evaluation (CAPES) for the period 2013-2016.

               The results of the R&D centers are presented according to the main programs:
               Radiopharmacy, Ionizing Radiation Applications, Nuclear Science and Technology,
               Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle, Renewable Energies, Materials and Nanotechnology,
               Environmental Science and Technology, Biotechnology and Lasers Technology. It
               must be emphasized that all these results were accomplished due the efforts and
               dedication of the IPEN staff and were supported by several funding agencies: CNEN,
               MCTI, SDECTI/SP, University of São Paulo, IAEA, FAPESP, FINEP, CAPES and CNPq.
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