Page 149 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 149

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  149


               The Program on Nuclear Science and Technology comprehends Nuclear and Condensed
               Matter Physics, Neutron Activation Analysis, Radiation Metrology, Radioprotection
               and Radioactive Waste Management. These activities are developed at the Research
               Reactor Center and the Radiation Metrology Center. The Radioprotection activities
               are developed at all radioactive and nuclear facilities of IPEN-CNEN/SP.

               The Research Reactor Center at IPEN-CNEN/SP is responsible for the safe
               operation and maintenance of the Research Reactor IEA-R1 and has a three-fold
               mission: promoting basic and applied research in nuclear and neutron related
               sciences, providing educational opportunities for students in these fields and
               providing services and applications resulting from the reactor utilization.

               Specific research programs include nuclear structure study from beta and gamma decay of
               radioactive nuclei and nuclear reactions, nuclear and neutron metrology, neutron diffraction
               and neutron multiple-diffraction study for crystalline and magnetic structure determination,
               perturbed -angular correlation (PAC) using radioactive nuclear probes to study the nuclear
               hyperfine interactions in solids and neutron activation analysis, with comparative or
               k0 standardization applied to the fields of health, agriculture, environment, archeology,
               reference material production, geology and industry. The research in the areas of applied
               physics includes neutron imaging, scientific computation and nuclear instrumentation.

               The Radiation Metrology Center promotes the development, improvement and
               establishment of new methodologies and products in radiation metrology, with the
               goal of assuring radiological safety of IPEN workers, community and environment.
               The Center offers services to internal and external communities in the fields of
               personnel and environmental dosimetry, high dose and accident dosimetry, production
               of dosimetric materials, metrology in diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy,
               calibration of instruments and radioactivity determination in environmental
               samples, in foodstuffs and food commodities imported and exported by Brazil.
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