Page 352 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 352

352   Nuclear Safety | Progress Report

               tional health and industrial hygiene programs   holders and the manifestations of collective
               involving a continuous process of information   will. The project recommended a more effec-
               gathering. The use of a systematic method to   tive policy of mass dissemination, promoting
               characterize workplace exposures to chemical,   clarifications to the society as a whole and not
               physical and biological risks is a fundamental   only to the population of the surrounding area
               part of this process. The study aimed to carry   as a more effectively characterization of the
               out an evaluation in a radioactive facility, iden-  social responsibility.
               tifying potential exposures and consequently
               the existing occupational hazards (risk/ agent)   Study for the development and characteriza-
               in the workplace to which the worker may be    tion of concepts of high specific mass for pro-
               exposed. The study provided an overview of     tection to the gamma and X radiation This
               the perception of the risk founded at the facil-  project aimed at the natural raw materials pro-
               ity studied and has contributed with the oc-   duced in Brazil and the production of high den-
               cupational health program resources for wel-   sity concrete. A methodology was developed
               fare of the worker.                            for characterization, preparation, molding, test-
                                                              ing to determine the linear attenuation coeffi-
               MicroPET Scanner- Evaluation of                cient of experimental and theoretical calcula-
               Ambient Radiation levels in Positron           tion of the linear attenuation coefficient, and
               Emission Tomography/Computed                   determination of the effective Z, culminating
               Tomography in MicroPET-CT Laboratory           with the production of an embryo stock data

                                                              for the specific high density prepared with lo-
               The present project aimed to evaluate the radi-  cal raw materials.
               ations levels in a micro PET/CT research labo-
               ratory of the IPEN-CNEN/ SP in full compliance   Web-based system to unify the
               with national and international standards.     radiological protection programs: ionizing
               The study, started in April 2014, continued    radiation monitoring and optimization
               for about two years. The results of this proj-
               ect demonstrated that the ambient radiation    This research work focuses on the potential val-
               levels (ambient and effective estimated radi-  ue of Information and Communication Tech-
               ation dose), as well as the effective shielding   nologies (ICTs) to enhance communication and
               equipment were both adequate. Moreover, this   education on Radiological Protection through-
               study emphasized that it is essential to strict-  out Brazil. The work includes the informatiza-
               ly follow the principles of radioprotection in   tion of the monitoring policy and techniques,
               workplace, whenever researches involve ra-     interrelating information currently scattered
               dioactive unsealed sources.                    in several documents, as well as new approach-
                                                              es from some recommendations, presenting
               Social responsibility in the area of nuclear en-  several initiatives towards safety, such as the
               ergy for power generation in Brazil The project   need for an auditor monitoring and discus-
               focused on nuclear energy for power genera-    sions on potential exposures according to in-
               tion regarding its contribution to sustainable   ternational requirements established by the
               development. The NBR ISO 26000: guidelines     IAEA and ICRP.
               on social responsibility was used as a source
               of the demands and expectations of the soci-   The evolution of doses
               ety, the mechanisms of participation of stake-  in the IEA-R1 reactor

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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