Page 386 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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386   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               NABE, SHIGUEO; BARBOSA, RENATA F.; CHUBA-      the measurement method of the homogene-
               CI, JOSE F.D.; TATUMI, SONIA H.; NEVES, EDU-   ity of radioactivity along an iridium-192 wire
               ARDO G. OSL and EPR dating of pottery from     used in brachytherapy. Nukleonika, v. 59, n. 1,
               the archaelogical sites in Amazon Valley, Bra-  p. 37-39, 2014.
               zil. Quartenary International, v. 352, p. 176-
               180, 2014.                                     COSTA, WANDERLEY da; SOUZA, EDITH M.M.;
                                                              SILVA, LEONARDO G.A.; WIEBECK, HELIO. Be-
               CARVALHO, GILBERTO; ANDRADE e SILVA,           havior of adhesion forces of the aqueous-based
               LEONARDO G. de. Study of brazilian woods       polyurethane adhesive magnetically condi-
               using gamma-ray sources. Journal of Physi-     tioned. Modern Chemistry & Applications, v.
               cal Science and Application, v. 4, n. 5, p. 304-  4, n. 4, p. 1-8, 2016.
               309, 2014.
                                                              DEL MASTRO, NELIDA L. Potential use of irra-
               COSENTINO, HELIO M.; TAKINAMI, PATRICIA        diation on edible insects. Academia Journal
               Y.I.; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del. Comparative of the   of Agricultural Research, v. 4, n. 6, 2016.
               ionizing radiation effects on cochineal, annat-
               to and turmeric natural dyes. Radiation Phys-  EVORA, M.C.; ARAUJO, J.R.; FERREIRA, E.H.M.;
               ics and Chemistry, v. 124, p. 208-211, 2015.   STROHMEIER, B.R.; SILVA, L.G.A.; ARCHETE, C.A.
                                                              Localized surface grafting reactions on carbon
               COSENTINO, HELIO M.; TAKINAMI, PATRICIA        nanofibers induced by gamma and e-beam ir-
               Y.I.; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del. Comparison of the   radiation. Applied Surface Science, v. 335, p.
               ionizing radiation effects on cochineal, annat-  78-84, 2015.
               to and turmeric natural dyes. Radiation Phys-
               ics and Chemistry, v. 124, p. 208-211, 2016.   FANARO, G.B.; HASSIMOTTO, N.M.A.; BAS-
                                                              TOS, D.H.M.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H. Effects
               COSTA, OSVALDO L. da. Testing which is the fit-  of ‘gamma’-radiation on microbial load and
               ter position sensor for a cyclotron liquid tar-  antioxidant proprieties in black tea irradiat-
               get. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 83, p.   ed with different water activities. Radiation
               37-40, 2014.                                   Physics and Chemistry, v. 97, p. 217-222, 2014.

               COSTA, OSVALDO L. da; FEHER, ANSELMO;          FANARO, G.B.; HASSIMOTTO, N.M.A.; BAS-
               MOURA, CARLA D.; TIEZZI, RODRIGO; SOUZA,       TOS, D.H.M.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H. Effects
               DAIANE C.B. de; MOURA, EDUARDO S.; OL-         of ‘gamma’-radiation on microbial load and
               IVEIRA, HENRIQUE B.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.;       antioxidant properties in green tea irradiat-
               ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. Study and evalu-       ed with different water activities. Radiation
               ation of aluminium capsules to irradiation of   Physics and Chemistry, v. 107, p. 40-46, 2015.
               gaseous samples in nuclear rector. Journal of
               Physical Science and Application, v. 5, n. 4, p.   FAVARO, D.I.T.; ALEGRE, G.F.; BORRELY, S.I.; VU-
               263-267, 2015.                                 KAN, W.; VIEIRA, A.S.; OLIVEIRA, S.M.B. Major
                                                              and trace element assessment of Tietê river
               COSTA, OSVALDO L.; CALVO, WILSON A.P.; ZEI-    sediments, São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Ra-
               TUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.;      dioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 299,
               MOURA, JOAO A.; FEHER, ANSELMO; SOUZA,         n. 1, p. 797-805, 2014.
               CARLA D.; SOMESSARI, SAMIR L. A study about

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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