Page 353 - Manual Of SOP
P. 353

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

               such transactions are carried out at arms-length. Where it is determined that the
               transactions are not at arms-length, the same may need to be adjusted to ensure
               that they reflect market values. It may be clarified that the related party transactions
               of both types; namely purchase and sale are to be reflected in Appendix 11. Sales of
               by-products, scrap, PUC etc. may also be relevant for the investigations;

               13.15.21   In case of single economic entities, indirect SGA expenses of related
               trading entity shall be added to COP for OCT Test because COP would be compared
               with the SP of the related trading entity;

               13.15.22 Cost of procurement of traded goods, if any must be compared with the
               cost of self-manufactured products. In case of variations, reasons must be looked
               into for such variations;
               13.15.23  In case of multiple product companies, the expenses to the extent
               identified to each of the products are to be directly allocated to the respective
               product cost;
               13.15.24 Common expenses or overheads, which are not directly related to any
               specific product are to be apportioned on a reasonable or scientific basis (see para

               13.15.25 The team will collect a copy of the audited accounts including balance
               sheet etc. along with information as indicated in point 7 and 8 of the Part-IV of
               Trade Notice 05/2018 dated 28 February 2018 and confirm that the figures of
              COP are broadly in conformity with the Records;

              13.15.26  All certifications, wherever required, must be done by the practicing
              accountant of the subject country, who is having the certificate of practice in that
              country and is conversant with accounting laws, rules and standards applicable in
              that country;

              13.15.27 The cost of Raw Materials, Packing Materials and Utilities etc. as indicated
              in  Appendix  6  shows  the  total  quantity  and  value  of  each  major  raw  material,
              packing material, utilities consumed in the production of PUC. It also indicates
              per unit consumption of all major raw materials/packing materials/utilities during
              the period along with weighted average rates of consumption during POI and the
              previous accounting period. The major points to be noted here are:

              (i)    Opening and Closing Stock of raw materials ideally should also include the
                     quantity and value of work-in-progress stock lying on shop floor. However,
                     this information is sometimes not available with the producer exporter

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