Page 374 - Manual Of SOP
P. 374
Oral Hearing
advance notice should be provided to enable the participation of the domestic
industry,representatives from respective embassies of subject countries in India,
producers exporters from subject countries or their representatives who will have
to make travel arrangements to ensure their presence and participation.
15.8. A list of all interested parties, email ids, representatives and contact
information must be maintained separately for each case.
15.9. The oral hearing date as approved by the Designated Authority must be
informed via e-mailto all the registered interested parties involved in the investigation
and/or their respective consultant.
15.10. In cases where the email addresses of the registered interested parties are
not available then such notice of hearing must be sent via fax and/or registered
post. Communication of hearing and the email as well as tracking receipts should
be kept in file for records.
15.11. The notice of hearing must also be uploaded on the DGTR website. Posting
of notice of hearing or any other communication on the website shall be deemed
to be served upon all the interested parties even though all efforts shall be made to
communicate individually to each of the registered interested parties.
15.12. The notice should mention the details of PUC, date, time of the hearing.
It must also mention that any document/paper proposed to be circulated in the
hearing must be intimated to all the interested parties prior to hearing in non-
confidential version as per Trade Notices on the issue.A template for notice of oral
hearing is attached to this Chapter.
15.13. All interested parties to whom notices of hearing have been sent, must
intimate the names and designations of all such persons who are interested in
attending the hearing.
15.14. An attendance sheet must be circulated and signed by all the parties also
indicating their phone numbers and e-mail ids, who are present in the hearing so
as to keep a record of appearance.
15.15. The conduct of the hearing must be regulated in a manner so that each
party gets sufficient time to make their submission.
15.16. The hearing starts by the investigation team welcoming all the participants
and making a brief summation about the case and Domestic Industry is first invited