Page 445 - Manual Of SOP
P. 445
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
No. 15/AS&DGAD/2017
Government of India
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties
Jeevan Tara Building
Dated 14 June, 2017
Sub: Initiation of Review cases (SSR/MTR/NSR/Anti circumvention etc.)
It is seen that in many review cases the records of the original case of which the
review is to be done are not readily available and linked with the review cases.
2. Henceforth, it should be ensured that in review cases records of the original case
[and/or earlier SSR/MTR cases(s)] are readily available at the time of Initiation itself.
3. In the review file, copy of Initiation, Final Findings (both confidential & non
confidential versions) and DOR notifications are put as a base document while
proposing review. This may be done immediately for existing/ already initiated cases
4. Further, it is seen that SSR cases are initiated at a very late stage due to which
extension of duty for 1 year became a compulsion. Hence, all existing cases, in
which duty is likely to expire in the next 1 year, immediate appropriate steps may
be taken at least 6 months before the date of expiry of duty. DI may be addressed
to file the application for SSR, if they so wish, with all relevant details/ documents/
data. Possibility of suo-moto initiation of SSR case may also be explored.
(Inder Jit Singh)
All IOs & COs
CC: Pri. Adv. (Cost), Dir.(Admn.), DD(KKS), AD(DA)