Page 551 - Manual Of SOP
P. 551
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
(iii) a causal link between imports and the alleged serious injury or threat
of serious injury;
22.7.2. A statement on the efforts being taken, or planned to be taken, or both, to
make a positive adjustment to increase in competition due to imports; and
22.7.3. A statement mentioning whether an application for the initiation of a
safeguard action on the goods under investigation has also been submitted to the
Director General of Safeguards.
22.7.4. The application seeking initiation of quantitative restrictions investigations
should be inter-alia accompanied by the following information for at least latest
available three years and supporting documents in addition to the application in the
prescribed format:
S.N. Documents / Information
1 Soft Copy of the application
2 D.G.C.I &S import data segregated year-wise and county wise
3 Total Indian Production and basis for the estimation
4 Year-wise production of applicant and Installed Capacity of PUC with supporting
documents like Pollution Control Board Certificate
5 Total sales (separately for domestic /captive/exports) of the applicant and other
Indian producer(s) along with total year wise demand in the country.
6 Workings of Cost of production along with Excel files
7 Submissions and Workings in support of claimed serious injury/threat of injury
8 Evidence in support of causal link
9 Statement of adjustment and period thereof
10 Evidence regarding unforeseen developments
10 Confirmation from the DI/consultants that the complete cost data for all the units
of the domestic industry manufacturing or selling PUC has been furnished in the
11 Audited financial statements and cost audit reports
22.8. The principles followed for determination of PUC in AD cases may also
be applied for QR cases for determination of “like goods or directly competitive
goods”, which are the subject matter for investigation.
22.9. Similarly, for determination of injury, COP needs to be determined. Though
Annexure-III in anti-dumping Rules is not specifically applicable to the quantitative