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Top sights and attractions Bratislava is the only capital in the world enced rapid growth under the reign of
10 located on the border of three sovereign Maria Theresia crowned the Hungarian
states – Slovakia, Austria and Hungary.
queen in 1741 and the Bratislava Castle
Coronation city Besides its strategic location on the River became a representative royal seat. Not
Danube, the city takes pride in its rich only the Castle, but also the newly built
14 history. The first Celtic oppidum was aristocratic Baroque and Rococo palaces
Music Center founded here in the 2nd century BC. enjoyed bustling political, social and
The location at the intersection of two cultural life enriched by visits of musical
18 important historical trade routes, the genii, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig
Museums and Galleries Danube and Amber Roads, highly influ- van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn or Franz
enced the development of trade and Liszt. After the fall of the Iron Curtain in
22 handicraft. For 247 years was Bratislava 1989, Bratislava started to profile as a
Offer for families with children the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom modern European metropolis and an
(1536 – 1783) and for 267 years also the attractive tourist destination.
28 coronation city (1563 - 1830). It experi-
Inspiration for food lovers
32 Basic information
Wine – its history and present
Location: 65 km far from Vienna,
36 200 km from Budapest and 330 km Unique history,
Off the beaten path from Prague. The largest airport in attractive sights, rich
Central Europe, Vienna International, cultural life, excellent local
40 is 40 minutes away from Bratislava gastronomy, quality wine
After sunset city centre by car, and the Bratislava and modern shopping centres Welcome to Bratislava
Airport of M.R. Štefánik only make Bratislava an ideal
46 15 minutes away. Area: 367,6 km 2 city-break destination.
Accommodation Population: 431 214 (2018)
Currency: EURO