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Take advantage
of hotel packages
and let yourself be
carried away by the
Bratislava currently has more than 120 conferences and incentives. Bratisla-
accommodation facilities. Renowned va’s four- and five-star hotels offer fully atmosphere of the
hotel chains such as Marriot, Radisson technically equipped conference and city.
Hotel Group, IHG, Accor, Hilton World- meeting premises. More information
wide, Falkensteiner Hotels & Resi- on accommodation facilities in the city
dences, Lindner, NH Hotels, or Vienna can be found on www.visitbratislava.
House have discovered Bratislava as com or For
a modern and charming city. Thanks those who are unable to book accom-
to its excellent location on the border modation prior to their arrival to the city,
of three countries and one- to three- it can be easily arranged at the tourist
hour flight time from most European information centres.
Accommodation Accommodation
cities, Bratislava is an ideal place to host
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