Page 2 - Fundraiser Flyer
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How It Works

                                  Smart Fundraising  Cards

                Simply Scan the Unique QR Code Created  Or Text {Keyword} to
                31996 to Connect to SmartWallet. Then you will get a message

                from SmartWallet that will help you add the card to your phone.

                Once that is done. All you have to do is show the offer to one of
                our SmartWallet Partners and save. It is a WIN-WIN-WIN

                situation. You Save money, We Support Local Business and You

                Support your favorite local organizations!

                                       SmartWallet Basic

                SmartWallet Basic Works just a bit differently. You still Simply

                Scan the Unique QR Code Created  Or Text {Keyword} to  31996

                to Connect to SmartWallet. There are no books to carry around or
                plastic cards. All you do is message Smart Wallet in Facebook

                Messenger and ask it for something.

                For example: I want Breakfast.  And SmartWallet will find you all

                of the available breakfast offers nearby.

                Then you will be able to choose the offer. Again, simply show the

                offer to our SmartWallet Partner to redeem it! And if you have the

                Genius  we will track rewards to help your organization earn even
                MORE all year round!
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