Page 138 - Microsoft Word - The Future of Learning April 2017.docx
P. 138

Feedback and Feed-Forward
The Learning Process is never a linear process as feedback and feed-forward between the educators and the learners creates a very rich and complex learning pathway that may last from seconds to a lifetime. While this theoretical framework may make the Learning Process more efficient and effective, it is a simple representation of what is a very complex process. As learners apply the Learning Process, the educator introduces new competency capabilities, allowing the learner to take increasing agency over their learning. With time and practice, the competencies develop into conceptually orientated learning dispositions. The competencies underpin our capacity for learning success as well as success in life in general.
All learners start at level 1 of the Learning Process, regardless of their age, and educators guide the introduction of the subsequent levels at their discretion. This will happen more quickly for older and more cognitively mature learners. There are no fixed age groups for advancing to each subsequent levels of the Learning Process diagrams.
It is quite common for learners in any given class or year level to be working on different levels of the Learning Process. New learners coming into a class are taught about the Learning Process by their peers. We are increasingly moving the responsibility for learning to the learner-educators, where applicable and reasonable. The Learning Pit, the competencies and the learner’s mind-set enable the learner to take increasing agency and responsibility for, not only their learning, but also for assisting their peers learning, where appropriate.
When developing an understanding of a concept, the Learning Process always begins with the educator and the learner being clear about the concept or learning statement. In the example that follows, the learning intent is that the learner will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the Learning Process by investigating how learning takes place.
The following process could also be used for 7–12-year-olds who are investigating the Learning Process for the first time and have some competency capability. The skateboarding cat video on the right is used for the example below.161
Resource 63: The Skateboarding Cat
161 CATMANTOO. (2014, Jan 13). World's Best Skateboarding Cat! Retrieved from

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