Page 14 - Profit Funnel Ideas
P. 14 Presents - Profit Funnel Ideas
• There is no long-term commitment. If I don’t like what I see during the trial
period, I simply move on.
• I don’t have to pay full price. Most trial offers will be at a discount, so very
little revenue is invested.
• The trial offer gives me the chance to test drive and show the offering to
other people who would be using it. I can find out up front if they see any
advantages to using this new offering
• This gives me the chance to think of questions that should be answered
before a commitment is made. I may think of something while in the trial
period that I would not think of during a simple demonstration.
If you offer a trial membership, make sure you provided specific terms, as well as
a way for the prospect to convert the trial membership into a full membership at
any time during the trial.
Trial Software Offers
If software is involved in your product or service offering, you may also want to
provide a demonstration version of the software that is good for a limited amount
of time. Think in terms of some of the free electronic trail games you can
Many of them will allow the player to access and start a new game session for a
specific number of times before the software becomes inoperative and they
player will have to purchase the full version in order to continue.
Profit Funnel Ideas 14