Page 7 - Planner Layout Dec 4 take two
P. 7
Tips on using your planner
Ÿ Your week is set up in daily increments of 15 minutes from Monday to Friday 7am
to 7pm and Saturday is in 30 minute increments from 8am to 5pm and Sunday is
a free space.
Ÿ Start with structuring your goals for the week
Ÿ Become aware of any limi ng beliefs stopping you. Be willing to explore where it
may be coming from. Look back to a me in the past when you felt the same way.
Ÿ Set an affirma on - use our guide below to help
Ÿ And always remember that there is something to be grateful for - write it down.
Use the sugges ons below to guide your affirma ons.
Your superpower is (love, graciousness, uniqueness, light, courage, confidence, abundance,
gra tude, health, pa ence, safety, security, brilliance, beauty, empathy, curiosity, adaptability,
mindfulness, peace, grit, vulnerability, sexiness, understanding, intui on, prosperity, calmness,
trust, passion, exuberance, humour, authen city, determina on, prowess, a en on, integrity,
self love, bravery, coopera on, credibility, diligence, encouragement, mindfulness, endurance,
faith, desire, knowledge, logic, peace, op mism, persistence, assurance, success, whit,
happiness, affinity.) Describe your affirma on:
My superpower is love
I am caring
I am though ul
I am love
I am worthy of affec on. I am desired.
I am love.