Page 15 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 15

Polyester  rope  is
         ideal  when  high-                     shock  loads: climbers  use  it,  as  it  can  absorb
         tensile  strength  is                  the energy  of a fall, and it can also be used for
         required, such
         as  in  a  rescue                      mooring  and  towing  lines. Nylon  rope  does
         situation .                            not float and, when wet, it can lose between 5
   z                                            and  25  per  cent  of its strength. While  nylon
   1-                                           rope can be bought in  different colours, white
   :::>                                         nylon  rope  is,  in  fact,  stronger.  As  well  as
   0                                            adding to the cost, colouring nylon weakens it
   1-                                           by as much as  10 per cent.
   z                                               Polyester  rope  has  75  per  cent  of  the
                                                strength  of  nylon,  but  polyester  ropes  are
                                                equally strong,  wet or dry. Like  nylon, a poly-
                                                ester  rope  does  not  float,  and  111.uch  of  its
             The most comm.on synthetic materials are   inherent  elasticity  can  be  rerns:ived  by  pre-
          polyamide  (nylon)  - still  one  of the strongest   stretching during manufacture. Consequently,
          materials  used  to  produce  rope  - polyester   polyester  ropes  are  used  when  stretch  is  not
          and  polypropylene,  as  well  as  the  more   required, but a high-tensile strength is needed.
          recently  developed  aramid  and  HMP  (high   Available   111   a  number  of  forms,
          rnodulus  polyethylene) .             polypropylene  ranks  between  natural  fibres
             Nylon  was  the  first  synthetic  material  to   and  the  superior synthetics  (nylon  and poly-
          be used for rope-111.aking.  It is very elastic and   ester). Polypropylene fibres  make inexpensive,
          under load  can  be  stretched  between  10  and   all-purpose  ropes  that are  light and that float.
          40 per cent and then regain  its original length   This  makes  them very useful  for short moor-
          once  the  load  is  removed.  Consequently,   ing lines, rescue  lines  and for  use  in activities
          nylon  rope  is  most  suitable  for  absorbing   like  water-skiing.

          Nylon  rope  is  preferred  by  climbers  as  it
          absorbs  shock and  stretches.
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