Page 33 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 33

C>          COMMON WHIPPil'~G
   0          his  method of whipping is  quick  to  do but it is also  the one most likely  to  con1e
   u      T undone. Wrapping turns around the  rope are  made in  the opposite direction to  the  lay  of
   z      the  rope: as  the  rope tries  to  unlay,  the  whipping becomes tighter.
   C>            NOTE
    z      For  demonstration
    a.     purposes,  thicker cord
           than  is  usually  used
    ~      for  whipping  has
           been  used  here.

             Make a long bight in  the  whipping twine  and   Wrap the working end of the  whipping
           I lay  it along  the  rope.            2  twine around the  rope, trapping both  legs  of
                                                  the bight with  the  first  turn.

             Continue  to  wrap  tightly
          3  and  evenly  towards  the  end
          of the  rope. Continue until  the
          whipping  is as long as  the  rope
          is wide.
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