Page 5 - FINAL - April Newsletter
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                              A        L      U        M            N        I

      KENYANI DAVIS, MD ’12,


      MAGAZINE’S 40 UNDER 40

      Kenyani “Kiki” Davis, MD ’12, MPH, is a chief
      medical  officer,  a  National  Institutes  of

      Health  fellow,  a  passionate  advocate  for
      health  equity—and  now  one  of  Buffalo

      Business First’s 40 under 40.

      Her success started with a childhood dream.

      As a young girl in Arizona, she accompanied
      her  father  to  nursing  school,  sitting  in  the

      back row envisioning a career in medicine. A
      track  and  field  scholarship  took  her  to

      William  Penn  University  in  Iowa,  where  she
      studied biology and minored in chemistry. At

      the end of her freshman year, she found out                                 “Everybody was so
      she  was  pregnant  with  her  son,  Izaiah,  and                    supportive. When you are all
      visions of medical school started to fade.                           away from home, you create

                                                                               this pseudo family very
      She  graduated  and  moved  home  to  Arizona                          intensely and quickly” [...]

      where  family  helped  with  Izaiah  while  she
      attended the biomedical sciences program at                           "They got me through, and

      the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine.                         when I look at the things that
      Through  word  of  mouth,  she  heard  about                         all of them are doing today, it

      Ross  University  of  School  of  Medicine.  Her                       is amazing. It restores my
      family ties to the Caribbean made Ross Med                           faith in people and medicine,
      even more appealing.
                                                                               even on the hard days.”

      With  Izaiah  in  her  mother’s  care  in  Arizona,

      Dr. Davis enrolled in 2008 and continued her
      medical  school  journey  with  a  cohort  she                                      Read More
      remembers fondly.                                                                                              5
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