Page 5 - TGA Individual Yearbook 2019-2020_Lisa Cao
P. 5


                                              Well, this certainly has been a year to remember! After a strong
                                              start to our second semester, who knew we would be sent home
                                              for  the  next  three  months,  isolated  from  our  friends  and
                                              teachers?  Not  surprisingly,  our  strong  and  resilient  school
                                              community pulled together, staying connected through computer
                                              screens and webcams. In addition to memories of the challenges
                                              of  at  home  learning,  I  hope  you  will  also  remember  your
                                              accomplishments  this  year.  Our  school  vision  is  “empowered  to
                                              become  citizens  the  world  needs.”  We  believe  that  the  world
                                              needs  people  who  are  self-directed  and  self-motivated  to  do
                                              whatever  is  necessary  to  achieve  success.  The  skills  you
                                              developed  this  year,  to  manage  yourselves  independently  and
                                              cope with challenging circumstances, will be a great help to you
                                              throughout your schooling and future career. Those are some of
                                              the  abilities  necessary  for  success  in  a  global  environment,  and
                                              the  time  you  spent  this  year  developing  those  skills  will  not  be
                                              wasted. The best of luck to you in the coming year!

                                              -Timothy D. Warren
                                              Headmaster & Secondary Principal

     For all of us, 2019-2020 has been a year marked by unanticipated
     challenges.  It  has  also  been  a  year  of  celebrating  the  hidden
     strengths of our community. Despite the challenges of spending
     almost half of the school year out of the classroom, our students
     continue  to  demonstrate  their  enthusiasm  for  learning.  They
     have grown! Our little ones have learned to say goodbye at the
     front  gate  with  happy  faces  and  very  few  tears.  Our  Grade  5
     students are ready to transition to middle school and all those in
     between  are  actively  enjoying  the  process  of  learning  together
     now that we are back on campus. When I reflect on our very first
     day last August, through to our re-entry on campus a few short
     weeks  ago,  I  am  deeply  grateful  for  the  love  and  commitment
     shown and shared by families and teachers at every level of our
     school.  I  hope  you  enjoy  the  online  version  of  the  school  song
     (included in this yearbook). It was crafted over many hours and
     you  will  see  faces  of  friends  singing  and  dancing,  reminding  us
     that we are here to ‘shine a light for the world to see’. Thank you
     for each being part of our school vision. I am honored to be your

     -Yvonne Williamson
     Primary Principal
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