P. 6


            Here is an explanation of the terms and symbols used in The Loop Library songbook.

            To keep things simple, seeing as we are using what is essentially a piece of recording
            equipment.  We'll be using the same symbols and terminology you'd find dispalyed on
            any other recorder.

            REC            You will first see this symbol at the very beginning of all the song tab in
            this book.  REC     is your cue to press the button on the looper and start recording.  This
            will be done at the same time you hit your first note you want to record, on both your

            first recording and also any overdubbing thereafter.

            STOP           Indicates where to press the looper button to stop recording, which will be
            at the end of the looped phrase.  This will typically be the next direction you will see

            after REC    .  This will close the loop and automatically go back to the starting point of
            your loop.

            PLAY ▶         This instruction means that your loop is now playing in 'safe mode' i.e. your
            loop and all overdubbing is now stored and can be played over freely without anymore
            recording being added.

            AUTO           In some songs there will be sections where the looper will need to be

            paused.  This can be for reasons such as a different chord progression or a solo singing
            part and will be indicated by this symbol.

            END            Simply shows when to switch the loop off, marking the end of the song.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11