P. 13
Now we have explored the concept of looping more in depth, you should have a better
understanding of what looping is all about and how to do it. Like anything, you'll need patience
and be willing to put the practice in. The results are well worth the effort though and once you
start putting your new skills into practice, there are literally endless possibilities on what you can
come up with!
So before we begin, let's have a recap on what we've covered so far...
·Understanding the terminology used in this book.
·What a looper is, the benefits to using one and how to set it up with your guitar rig.
·Advice on how to loop. Be sure to consult your user manual.
·'Shape of You' - Part One of our first looping exercise. In this we looked at the bassline,
which was our first part of the looping process and the first layer we recorded. After
this we added both the 'mid' and 'high' overdubs.
·'Shape of You' - Part Two. This explained the importance of note register, keeping each
overdub far apart from each other in pitch, enough to identify each overdub on the loop.
For this a simple low, mid and high principle was used, which we'll be using throughout for
the songs in this book.
·'Shape of You' - Part Three. This was the beginning of the percussion tutorial, firstly looking
at which percussive method would best suit your guitar. If you have an entry level
guitar it will most probably be fitted ith a piezo pickup. But if you're still unsure which
method to use (mic'd or piezo) then try both techniques
·Anatomy of the Guitar for Mic'd Method. If you're using a guitar with transducers or an
internal mic, this listed five spots on the guitar that you can use for percussive effects.
· Anatomy of the Guitar for Piezo Method. Like the mic'd method section before, this listed
four spots on the guitar that you can use for percussive effects if a piezo is fitted.
· 'Shape of You' - Part Three cont. In this final section we put the percussive techniques into
practice, using our pre recorded loop from Parts One and Two. After overdubbing the 'kick,
tom and snare' we now have the completed loop!
On the next page we'll look at how the songs will be laid out from here on in, with an
explanation for each section.