Page 14 - Unfortunates Club
P. 14
Call me Stitches, that’s what they call me...” he says pointing to his stitches, making the group
bunch up their faces. “Like I ever want to call ya’ any fuckin’ thing! Get Ena out there now!”
Stitches focused his attention on the small girl. “Tina,” He got closer, “Do you, um, know what
that siren means?” “Wh-Why the hell w-would I know! Bitch!” Tina grabbed his chain, yanking
him to the ground with no effort. “Well Tina, that means someone died, which further means
someone has won the game.”
Tina froze in place, if her face was visible, you would see the lifelessness in her eyes. The
absolute despair of knowing that someone close to you may’ve died. “N-No! Ena isn’t dead, you
fuckin’ asshat! I wouldn’t fuckin’ allow it!” “Now Tina, c-” “Shut the HELL up you damn harlot
whore!” “T-Tina!” Isyr snapped, “Y-You know that yelling won’t solve a damn thing! You don’t
even know if she’s dead or not!” Tina shutted up, she didn’t have any clever comebacks. Tina
picked up the knife, and ran to the door, trying to cut open the door, stabbing it multiple times,
cracking it in the process. “H-Hey can you-” Stitches seemed to have disappeared.
All of a sudden, The door opened, revealing the winner of the game, Ena. “E-Ena!” Tina
wrapped herself onto Ena and started sobbing, “D-Don’t ever leave m-me again!!!” “I-I won’t”
Ena went to comfort Tina, “I’m sorry, I just… I just thought that if I sacrificed myself it’d… be
for the better…” “Huh? N-No! I’m glad you’re okay!” Ena let go of Tina, and headed toward
Isyr and Olivia, Tina trailing right behind her. “I got the list, and along with that, it appears it’s a
two-in-one list as well.” “Ah! I see” Olivia passionately gasped and reached her hand out to take
the lists, “May we s-” “No.” Ena shook her head, “I-I mean, I-I rather have it for myself, I have a
plan to rat out fake identities.” “Well then,” Olivia pulled her hand away, “I guess we can return
back to everyone?” “R-Right,” Ena faced everyone, “l-let’s go back you guys.”